Our Greenhouse Gas Disclosure


ITility LLC is committed to further reduce our greenhouse gas emissions and our impact on the climate. Based on emissions over the current year compared to our baseline values, ITility will establish annual GHG reduction targets based on assessments made at the end of each calendar year.


ITility's Commitment to Sustainability

ITility LLC established a baseline of our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for Calendar Year 2022 for all facilities leased and controlled by the company in Virginia, the primary territory of its operations. This territory was chosen as the reporting boundary as it is the easiest to obtain GHG emission numbers for, and thus the data will be the most reliable for baseline emissions.

This GHG emissions report provides measurement of our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions as calculated per the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard. Data for the calculation of reliable Scope 3 emissions were not available at the time of this posting. Thus, Scope 3 emissions are not reported for CY 2022. ITility attests that all Scope 1 and 2 emissions were calculated per the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard.

In calendar year 2022, ITility’s Scope 1 emissions totaled approximately 37.6 metric tons CO2-e and its Scope 2 emissions measured approximately 97.5 metric tons CO2-e. ITility’s emissions are contributed by their main Headquarters (Chantilly, VA), Research and Development Center (Manassas, VA), and Farm Center (Washington, VA), and includes gas used for stationary combustion and purchased electricity. The total emissions for calendar year 2022 for ITility are approximately 135.1 metric tons CO2-e.

In calendar year 2023, ITility’s Scope 1 and 2 emissions remained unchanged.  However, we predict our emissions for calendar year 2024 to reduce significantly as result of facility consolidation activities currently underway.

Assumptions Made in GHG Calculations

Per the GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standard, ITility will explain the assumptions made in the GHG calculations reported here. Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions were calculated from one year’s worth of gas and electricity bills, where possible. Bills included one year’s worth of monthly utility data. For utility bills which included incomplete monthly data from 2022, but some monthly data from 2023, a sum of 12 months data from the earliest available month in 2022 was considered representative of year-long usage in 2022 as operations have not significantly grown or lessened since 2022 for any reported site. This assumption is supported by the comparable energy usage between the same months in 2022 and 2023 when available. The Farm Center only had bills available for electricity, while no bills were available for the Headquarters site, as both electric and gas are wrapped into a lump bill with rent each month. As such, estimates were made based on approximate square footage for areas where data was missing using the factors included in the EPA’s GHG calculation tool. Because the farm center consists of only two ITility-owned buildings which use gas and electricity, the square footage was calculated from these buildings alone rather than the entire site. Similarly, the square footage of the Headquarters site was estimated based on the square footage in the site plan of the building. An aerial view from Google Earth was used to determine the approximate square footage of the Research and Development center for completeness, although this was not needed for direct use in estimation calculations as both gas and electric bills were available.

ITility's GHG emissions data tables are not viewable on the mobile platform. Please view this page on a desktop to see calculation data.

2023 GHG Emissions Data

Facility Locations:
Headquarters: Chantilly, VA
R & D Center: Manassas, VA
Farm Center: Washington, VA
Facility Type:
Headquarters: Commercial Office Space
R & D Center: Commercial Office Space and Lab
Farm Center: Commercial Office Space and Farm
Analysis Year:
Total Facilities:
Estimated GHG Emissions:
135.1 metric tons CO2-e
Main sources of GHG emissions:
Electric usage; Gas usage

2023 Analysis Year Emissions

Stationary combustion
Mobile combustion
Fugitive emissions from air-conditioning
Other fugitive or process emissions
Scope 1 total
Purchased electricity - location based
Purchased electricity - market based
Purchased heat and steam
Scope 2 - Location based + heat and steam
Scope 2 - market based + heat and steam